Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Holding out for a Hero!!
If you're in need of a hero look no further!
The Sparkler!!
The sparkler was once a regular housewife until one day when she attempted to remove a stain. she tried all of her cleaning supplies, but instead of abolishing the elusive stain, she created a toxic fume. The fume did not kill, but mutated her. Her saliva was genetically altered into the most powerful cleaning solution of all. With a single spit, she is capable of making any surface as shiny as her suit. She thwarts villains by sneaking into their dark and dirty lairs and cleaning them into such brilliance that they no longer want to do evil. She rescues small children on the side. Slumber Kitty-I can put anyone to sleep with my powerful purring kitty.
Light Bright-I glow in the light and the dark, always turned on.
Select-a-sight-spin my wheel and I can see you in either x-ray, bulge, squeeze or mirror.
Super Puker-My projectile puke has extremely accurate aim.
Super Pooper-I can make people disappear from a room in seconds.
Mr. Mismatch- I can cure any fashion mishap in seconds
Bathman-I fight stink everywhere!!
Wonder Girl-I keep peace in any home with my super strength, speed and highly developed fighting skills.
Twinker Bell- I have the power to make people fly, I also shoot fire balls.

So if your in trouble look no further we have all the super power you'll need!!!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

looks like so much fun! I love the costumes!