Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We had a very full weekend. Easter snuck up on me so fast and so did Taylors Birthday.
Saturday we had a great time coloring Easter eggs. Taylor had more fun eating the eggs and Luke enjoyed eating his bag of chips while Daddy colored his eggs, I think Glen enjoyed it too.
We had to get up real early to find Easter baskets because Glen had to work. We took Easter dinner down to the hospital so Glen could enjoy Easter with his family, we didn't stay to long though because he was called in for a case 5 min after we got there.
Monday the 13th was Taylors 14th Birthday. I can't believe how fast my kids are growing up. He got new bike for his Birthday, I couldn't wrap the bike so I wrapped his card instead and then we went to get his new bike. He got to pick out which kind he wanted and he loves it. He has riden his bike to school the last 2 days which I am grateful for because I didn't have to rush to get the other kids ready.
Taylors Birthday
Easter Morning

Coloring Easter Eggs

1 comment:

Meg said...

Ahhh!!! Would you tell your kids to stop growing??? Holy moly! I love these pictures. I can't believe how fast they are growing either. And I agree with you -- you really do need to come to Utah more than once a year! We miss you guys so much!